Let us help you find the right launch system for your Rocketarium Rocket

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What is "launch system".

Launch system is required to launch your rocket. It serves 2 purposes: It ignites the rocket engine and makes sure your rocket is going up.
You will find the following components of a launch system: Launch Pad and Launch Controller. Launch Pad is used to direct your rocket up to the sky and stops the flame from hitting the ground (or dry grass). Launch controller ignites the engine at the moment you press the button. It will also have a safety key which prevents starting your engine by accident. Launch systems come in different sizes and you need to choose one based on the rocket you have.

I need help choosing the launch system for the Rocketarium Rocket.

  • For smaller Rocketarium rockets requiring 1/8" launch rod launched on black powder motors, we recommend Estes Porta Pad Launch system.
  • Add the Pro Series Controller to the configuration above and you will be able to launch smaller Rocketarium rockets on Composite or BP motors.
  • And with the addition of 3/16" Launch Rod, you will be able to launch all Rocketarium Rockets. Just make sure you use Pro Series Controller.
* See note about cluster rockets below

I want to buy a rocket, but description says I need to buy Maxi Launch Rod, or 3/16" launch rod.

There are some heavier rockets that require longer launch rod which is 1/16 inch thicker than standard 1/8 launch rod. If you have the launch system already, you need to add 3/16" rod to your order, just make sure your pad has a slot for 3/16" rod.

Which Launch system I need to get for a cluster rocket.

Cluster Rockets require the use of powerful 12v battery. You must use the controller with the external battery connector, such as Pro Series Controller or Interlock Controller and a 12v battery capable of providing initial current of at least 10Amps.
Porta Pad with 3/16" Launch Rod and Pro Series or Interlock Controller connected to a car battery is recommended.

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